What is a Community Health Representative (CHR)?
The Community Health Representative (CHR) Program is a unique concept for providing health care, health promotion, and disease prevention services. CHRs have demonstrated how they assist and connect with the community, and their work has become essential to the spectrum of Tribal community-oriented primary health care services. CHRs are great advocates, in part, because they come from the communities they serve and have tribal cultural competence. Their dedicated work has assisted many to meet their healthcare needs. The health promotion and disease prevention efforts that CHRs provide have also helped people from the community improve and maintain their health. By providing health education and reducing hospital readmissions, CHRs have contributed to lowering mortality rates. The demand for CHRs continues to grow.
Interested in taking a deeper look at CHR opportunities?
Core courses offer culturally specific pathways and various education setting specially designed for Indigenous students.
Advanced courses build on Core Course training for CHRs looking to advance their training.
Now recruiting!
About the CHR Logo
The heart stands in the center stands for health and having that strong love for our Indian people and community. It also represents how we are connected and our growth as indigenous people. The horseshoes represent travel since horses were the main transportation for PNW Plateau Tribes all the way down to the Great Basin Tribes. It's also in correlation with the service our CHRs provide today around our reservations today. Lastly, the geometric design around the circle is more of a Shoshone Bannock style of beadwork and design you would see in the area of the Great Basin.
— The artists are Kelly Rose Smith and Tara McArthur, both Assiniboine (Nakoda)/Sioux (Dakota) from Fort Hall, ID.